Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15 | LEARN MORE

Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15 | LEARN MORE

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Skillette Masterclass with Chef Ben Plyraharn: Brown Butter

Image for Skillette Masterclass with Chef Ben Plyraharn: Brown Butter

Chef Ben Plyryharn is back at Skillette Cooking School with a Brown Butter Masterclass. Dive into the technique of browning butter and discover how it enhances dishes with its rich, nutty flavor. In this class, you’ll craft savory scallops (or butternut medallions) complemented by a velvety brown butter-vanilla emulsion, paired with a refreshing fennel citrus salad and fine herbs. For dessert, savor a delightful brown butter financier with almonds and Meyer lemon cream Chantilly, perfectly showcasing the versatility of brown butter in both sweet and savory creations.

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