Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15 | LEARN MORE

Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15 | LEARN MORE

Past Exhibits

Perspectiva Corazón: Mi Distrito by cesamo

August 2023
César Sanchez Morazzani | Lima Peru
Past Exhibits
Headline image for Perspectiva Corazón: Mi Distrito by cesamo

Perspectiva Corazón: Mi Distrito reflects Washington, DC, through the eyes of a Peruvian immigrant. Each landscape presents a parallel moment between DC and Peru, where a color, light or shape invokes a deep nostalgia in César Sanchez Morazzani. One might see a traditional landscape but, the more time spent looking, the artist’s cultural memories and identity shine through.

Arte es alimento del alma. ¡Buen Provecho! (Art is food for the soul. Enjoy!)